Running test/end-to-end/core.sh:15: executing 'oc get -n test pods -l name=database' expecting any result and text 'Running'; re-trying every 0.2s until completion or 60.000s...
FAILURE after 59…
运行rpcx-examples2/etcdv3_registry,我开启了多个server,但是关闭其中一个server之后,client会出现部分任务提交异常,etcd registry不是能够自动发现server down掉,自动从server list中清除吗?为什么client还是继续向down掉得server提交任务?
go run rp…
Currently the 1.6 -> 1.5 downgrade jobs are failing:
Expected error:
Does the latest version support etcd3? I always got "key not found".
etcd Version: 3.2.0-rc.0
Git SHA: 7e6d876
Go Version: go1.8.1
Go OS/Arch: linux/amd64
In order to support etcd3 we need to ensure that this issue is resolved https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/43600
when i `export ETCDCTL_API=3`
i got errors: `ERROR 100: Key not found (/myapp) [16]`
and i set ETCDCTL_API=2 ,it works
There is some problem in resource/template/resource.go : setVars()
etcd3 v3.0.14
confd v0.12.1 and v0.12.0
> root@3aeecacf3a47:/etc# confd -backend etcdv3 -node https://etcd1.lan:2379 -client-ca-ke…
I have an issue with WatchTree in etcd v3. It looks like WatchTree misses some updates and I want to confirm that. I'm not an etcd expert so I might not understand it correctly.
Right now the algor…
In a 3-machine synchronous cluster, one machine is now failing to start its `stolon-keeper`:
# sudo -u postgres /nix/store/ngy0lpk389vbn74yjhf2i5f6f192q1hv-stolon-0.6.0/bin/stolon-keeper --clu…