I ran unbound-checkconfig when messing around to get cname support.
But even with my changes not applied I get a warning.
root@exosphere:~ # unbound-checkconf
I generated an obs4MIPs file for ndvi (in Lmon table). The table contains valid_min and valid_max attributes for the variable. CMOR warned that some values were below the valid_min (which is by design…
todo created by @trushton
original line:
# TODO: Clean this up, its ugly as of now
from commit: b3a9c56dde3c842ed742f8694bcc236f38973b77
track progress: http://tododrop.com/todo/94
Servers configured using udp6 or tcp6 fail to start for an obvious reason
root@exosphere:/var/etc/openvpn # /usr/local/sbin/openvpn --config /var/etc/openvpn/server2.conf
Sat Apr 29 21:52…
Looks like it is not possible to send option 26 to specify a MTU.
My storage network uses an MTU of 9000.
Interface MTU Option (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2132)
Each vlan interface was given the mac of the device it replaced.
00:22:06:ff:10:01 -> lagg0_vlan10
00:22:06:ff:20:01 -> lagg0_vlan20
00:22:06:ff:30:01 -> lagg0_vlan40
00:22:06:ff:40:01 -> lagg0_vl…
I'm not a C programmer so I have no idea if these patches make sens or are even harmful.
But the following makes it compile (and work as far as I can tell) on SmartOS! (assuming illumos in general)
As an exosphere operator
I want to be able to define all my provider credentials in one file
So that I can easily manage these credentials
regarding comments on: https://github.com/Originate/exosphere/pull/11
Write basic feature tests for exo-deploy.