Hi all, I have an issues with V0.43. as of now I'm working with 0.37 with dedicatedCpuPlacement (cpuManager) all is working fine. I want test now the new numa topology. for that i uninstalled kubevir…
See nightlies build failure https://gitlab.cern.ch/key4hep/k4-deploy/-/jobs/14065802
DelphesHepMCReader.h is gone and replaced by DelphesHepMCReader2.h (a DelphesHepMCReader3.h was introduced as we…
To remove the confusion between the Bitcoin network and the reference client implementation that we maintain in this repository, both confusingly named 'bitcoin', we'd like to rebrand the client.
When we try to run the TensorFlow and PyTorch containers, we got the error message `flag provided but not defined: -console-socket: unknown`.
root@localhost:~# docker run -it --runtime=habana …
Hi, I am trying to use RPi-Cam-Web-Interface (i.e., a web interface for streaming video data from raspberry Pi) and the tool requires raspimjpeg in this repository.
So I processed on a Raspberry Pi…
With basically no adaption, I got the following error with Castelao/v10:
audiSequencer/SeqMatchLbLcMu_Pbar, GaudiSequencer/SeqMatchB_Jpsi_MuP, GaudiSequencer/SeqMatchLam0LL_VHPT_Pbar, GaudiSeque…
Apologies for making this an annoying bug report :cry:,
but I unfortunately, so far, wasn't able to create a small self-contained reproducer that triggers the bug.
But with LCG_99 and the foll…
We are adding `TupleToolANNPIDTraining`, and this TupleTool will add some existing branches. This is undesirable as we/the experts want to reduce memory consumption.
- OS version: centos7
- Compiler version: eGCC 8.3
- Package version: /cvmfs/sw.hsf.org/spackages/linux-centos7-broadwell/gcc-8.3.0/key4hep-stack-2021-03-01a-3wtd62edhsgasex7wnvdu7rijlzbizni/se…
Currently, upon encountering an error, Acts examples will often just print an error message and move on with their normal life. This behavior is not easily amenable to automated validation by the CI i…