I have configured eureka with below properties in its application properties:
- spring.application.name=eureka.azurewebsites.net
- eureka.client.registerWithEureka=false
- eureka.client.fetchRegistry…
gofabric8 **0.4.52**
I am currently trying to deploy Fabric8 on a fresh Kubernetes cluster which is deployed through Rancher.
fabric8 is aborting during **Processing resource kind: Deployment*…
I am not sure whether this is actually possible, but I would be interested to hear how other people handle this. I have an environment with a number of different services running in it. Each of t…
ghost updated
8 years ago
I apologize for having to ask this question. But it seems as if I've lost the info on how to get the auth key to begin monitoring a hystrix stream on the dashboard. I checked these links:
The example webapp doesn't work correctly with v1.5.0-rc.3 (and current master) as it fails in hystrixCommand.js with "Failed preProcessData: Key Missing: latencyTotal_mean for CreditCardCommand" (and…
Like what we have to see the Dashboard routes from the Gateway, it would be nice to see the Hystrix dashboards from the gateway.
- We need a specific "dashboard" server, using Spring Boot. This would …
Can we send multiple hystrix stream data to zabbix (like turbine does ie: aggregates multiple stream data and show them in dashboard).
I added the following dependencies to a pom.xml using the camunda-springboot-webapp starter.
``` xml
Created fabric8 console
Installing templates!
Downloading apps from: https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/io/fabric8/forge/distro/distro/2.2.234/distro-2.2.234-templates.zip
Loading template main/chat-irc-2…