- inflected verb forms are analyzed as sequences of tokens (e.g. ```ありません``` -> ```あり ませ ん```)
- compound nouns are analyzed as sequences of tokens (eg. ```計算言語学``` (computational linguistics; th…
Any analyzers for Vietnamese on the roadmap?
Thx and cheers
I am trying to **index** data which is in **Japanese** language. I have already installed the **kuromoji** plugin but my code is not working properly:
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
I'm using kuromoji.js for a web app: https://kuromoji.fluentcards.com/
If you enter 研究, it gets broken down to 研 and 究. The same on the [demo site](http://takuyaa.github.io/kuromoji.js/demo/tokeniz…
I was using `toRomaji` API to convert characters to Romaji. While Hiragana and katakana were successfully converted, I found that the kanji characters did not get converted to Romaji. Is there any way…
I'm trying to install smile/elasticsuite, I use amazon aws elasticsearch v5.5, after few minutes I've got "No alive nodes found in your cluster".
curl -XGET 'https://***us-east-1.es.amazo…
Help me.
Install blocked by Avast, because `Infection blocked` .