感谢作者.请问只支持laravel吗? yii2中怎么使用呢?
![qq 20160316142422](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/17507858/13803824/cbbb36b0-eb82-11e5-9070-5a3ab44587ec.png)
Currently, the `send` method in SMS doesn't return anything. Returning the outgoing message created inside the method could be useful (for example for testing). Note that this is done by the equivalen…
### SmsController命名空间会产生冲突
``` php
PHP Fatal error: Cannot use SmsManager as SmsManager because the name is already in use in /Users/liguochun/Documents/StarShow/lookme/vendor/toplan/laravel-sms/src…
Hello.I use this client on my laravel application..all work nice but I think you forgot to include types to SMS..Now there is only Text SMS support,but where is the binary,flash and WAP push support. …
PhpSms::make()->to('18636600630')->template('YunTongXun', '14453')->data(['12345', 5])->send();
访问 /sms/info 系统报错
但是我访问example.com/sms/info 系统会报错。
咱们文档中的无会话支持也需要前端传过来sessionID吗,如果移动端没有传session ID会导致无法找到session缓存文件,从而导致验证错误。
FatalErrorException in SendReminderSms.php line 12: Class 'App\Jobs\Job' not found
I have added in provider array but getting error ReflectionException in Container.php line 736:
Class App\Http\Controllers\Snowfire\Beautymail\Beautymail does not exist