That includes HTML for layout, forms, buttons, flash messages, navigation and others.
Twitter bootstrap is the most recognizable framework, is easy to [mock with](http://jetstrap.com/), is supported …
I propose everyone should declare if he/she wants to participate in issues tagged with given word, for example #ruby or #css. Then all issues / pull-request would be tagged appropriately.
If so, he/s…
I suggest we should use tools and methods described in my protip about [Github contribution](https://coderwall.com/p/18qbcq) in projects that get use of pull requests (including this one).
If it does, create directory with the same name as SCSS file, and extract code to separate files.
After that import these files using following sprockets template:
``` scss
// stylesheets.css.scss
It would describe:
- that xcode need to be installed and gcc tools
- brew packages we use (including oh-my-zsh and other)
- scripts for quick setup of all brew packages / databases
- information how t…