happens because of using:
from malleefowl import WPSProcess
error message:
WARNING:root:Could not import process []: TypeError('__init__() takes at least 4 arguments (1 given)',)
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. configure GlobalGrassSettings.py as below
2. python PyWPSGrassModuleStarter.py
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
Expected test ru…
I am getting
``` python
OSError: [Errno 24] Too many open files
After leaving my pywps server running for a few days. I am running pywps under wsgi and calling it ~1500 times per day.
After inv…
Add http://pywps.org/feed.xml to http://planet.osgeo.org/
It would be valuable to setup something like demo.pywps.org to provide a canonical demo based on master, etc. in support of OGC compliance and as we strive to become a reference implementation.
Given 3.2.2 is the current latest stable release, looks like PyWPS' [PyPI](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pywps) presence is out of date.
- [x] upload 3.2.2 to PyPI
- [x] update http://pywps.org/downloa…
add https://openhub.net/p/PyWPS to https://openhub.net/orgs/OSGeo on Open HUB.
when running an async process the logger does not log to the configured logfile.
In `Pywps.setLogFile()` method `logging.basicConfig()` is called according to the configuration. But in the async ca…
logging is made via
I would suggest adding the capability to use "loggers" rather than logging directly.
I'm trying to use pywps with multiple instance of pywps on the…