Please add the [SinricPro_Generic Library](https://github.com/khoih-prog/SinricPro_Generic) to Library Manager.
The [SinricPro library](https://github.com/sinricpro/esp8266-esp32-sdk) is writt…
This library is based on and modified from WebSockets library [Markus Sattler's WebSockets](https://github.com/Links2004/ardui…
when compiling the MultipleBlink example for Nano 33 IoT that comes with the library
the compiler throws these warnings:
/var/folders/40/71g52h8176j34g5fyq95tyyw0000gp/T//cc2HB8i0.s:33: Warning:…
_A clear and concise description of what the problem is._
The LEDs are multiple colored instead of a solid color when choosing one. I have tried all available schemes i…
I am trying to send/receive UDP Multicast packets. I see different problems after a few minutes or hours:
- `udp.beginPacket()` returns 65533 bytes (no idea why!)
- udp.read() does return the full…
Looks like there is a mistake in the Arduino Nano 33 IoT pinout PDF.
Port PA11 is used twice. According to the schematic ~D3 should be P**B**11.
When I compile this example named "ArduinoOneWireDHT12", an error occurs and cannot be compiled. The error message is as follows. Any suggestion ?
Arduino:1.8.12 (Windows 7), 開發板:"Arduino N…
This project is awesome. Will you be providing the source CAD and software files for folks to build upon your excellent work?
For me, I'd be interested building a version that uses an ESP32 as t…
Try to run the example Generic_WebSocketServer_WiFiNINA on my Arduino IoT 33.
It connects to my Home wifi, then it just starts spamming the DISCONNECTED event:
08:53:46.281 -> Start Generic_We…
Looking at the .begin() and .end() functions inside BLELocalDevice.cpp, there are defines for the following boards:
#if defined(ARDUINO_SAMD_MKRWIFI1010) || defined(ARDUINO_AVR_UNO_WIFI_REV2) || de…