Now we have the modules
"machine" which as written in the docs contains - functions related to the board
and we have a special modules e.g.
"esp" - functions related to the ESP8266
"wipy" - W…
### Basic Infos
#### Hardware
Hardware: ESP12, Adafruit Huzzah Breakout and Feather Boards
Core Version: 2.3.0
Computer: Dell, Intel Core i7 CPU, 870 @ 2.93Ghz, 16.0 GB RAM
Hey guys,
well the title says it all. I noticed that when you're on full brightness and you switch to `juggle` animation, the strip shuts down. Initially I thought this only happens at 255 brightne…
MicroPython v1.8.6-7-gefd0927 on 2016-11-10; ESP module with ESP8266
file: irq.py
from machine import Timer
frequency = 0
def fget():
global frequency
return frequency
Although specified as requiring at least 5V it is possible to run them at 3.3V without any problems as per http://techgurka.blogspot.com.au/2013/05/cheap-pyroelectric-infrared-pir-motion.html
- Arduino board: **Feather Huzzah**
- Arduino IDE version (found in Arduino -> About Arduino menu): 1.6.10
- List the steps to reproduce the problem:
Just running the standard **steppertest.ino** …
I was wondering if I can get wifi working with the Adafruit Huzzah M0 wifi and circuitpython? It would be awesome if that worked. Since the dev experience is nicer with the SAMD board.
Adafruit CircuitPython v1.8.5-20161020-234-g5b7fcf6-dirty on 2017-01-09; ESP module with ESP8266
>>> import utime, machine
>>> rtc = machine.RTC()
>>> rtc.
datetime memory …
After a long pause, I decided today to take a look at the esp32 and updated & re-compiled using the latest.
esptool.py v2.0-beta3
Uploading stub...
Trying to use the TFT FeatherWing with atmel-samd from the current master but am noticing during its initialization it appears get stuck and lock up (not even ctrl-c saves it). Connect the TFT Feathe…