Commands *kubectl logs* and *kubectl exec* fail with an error `no such host`
kubectl -n=kube-system logs nginx-proxy-k8s-node2-gslb-devel-sjc1
Error from server: Get http…
## Description
Briefly describe the issue.
Cannot find the stream in URL with parameter on pc
Works well on iphone
## Sources
For various reasons we decided to handle this migration separately from moving the "workhorse" services and the data (completed on Feb. 26 2018).
The miniverse move is much simpler; because the ap…
在 app/build/outputs/logs 有以下报错文件
---- AspectJ Properties ---
AspectJ Compiler 1.8.9 built on Monday Mar 14, 2016 at 21:18:16 GMT
---- Dump Properties ---
Dump file: ajcore.20181023.213346.755.tx…
I was switching an existing `Ingress` resource from one Kubernetes `Service` to a different `Service`
After I updated the `Ingress` object, the GCE L7 LB had 30-90 seconds of time where it was retu…
I am trying to generate a cert with a headline domain of 2x2devtest45.ilabs.io and a SAN of gslb454647.ilabs.io with a `dns-01` challenge auth.
gslb454647.ilabs.io is a CNAME to gslb454647.gslb.il…
We're currently experimenting with GRPC and wondering how we'll monitor the client code/server code dispatch using Prometheus [metrics](http://prometheus.io/docs/concepts/data_model/) (should look fam…
there are a ton of official Citrix Domains on your Ads & Tracking Extended list. Why are those blocked? Please remove them from your list.
``` citrix.com aaaprod.citrix.com…
Hey Steven,
Any chance you could include spotify list as well?
#spotify-added spclient.wg.spotify.com #[affects mobile app] adeventtracker.spotify.com ads-fa.spoti…
2pac1 updated
6 years ago
Hi Anton, great job with polaris-gslb!
I want to use it for several vhosts and when config file grows it is very difficult to perform a state check.
I'm wondering if you're planning to add an interf…