For more security, can you change old spongycastle (based on old bouncycastle) to bouncycastle?
- https://www.bouncycastle.org/
- https://www.bouncycastle.org/releasenotes.html
- http://www.bouncyc…
EthashAux.h refrences ethash.hpp which references hash_types.hpp.
I cannot find "hash_types.hpp" anywhere. I have searched all of github. I have googled for any references to it and can only find i…
Travis CI has changed how open source projects are supported, and Hyperledger can no longer build there. I suggest Azure Pipelines or GitHub Actions as a replacement.
This is what I get when compiling a project that depends on `master-SNAPSHOT` of `iroha-java`:
Could not find artifact com.github.hyperledger:iroha-java:jar:master-219d32262a-1 in jitpack.io (ht…
**Describe the bug**
Upon trying to build Iroha dependencies, I get the error as described below. It had run successfully once. I am using the latest portfiles, to my knowledge.
Is it possible to use this client with binding library on xamarin android project ?
This include algorithms used in BABE signature, BABE VRF, GRANDPA, Header hash.
Since it is possible to encode ed25519 (sha2?) public key already with `0xed`, it would be great to encode ed25519-sha2 signature in the same way.
The following related issues are not actively upd…
I don't usually use Java, so I might be just stupid.
It doesn't compile, so I leave a issue here. I use debian.
Please help me.
1)Adding `compile "com.github.hyperledger.iroha-java:client:master-…
Is there any particular reason for not providing these two query types in QueryAPI?