I would love to implement this but I'm really busy right now but I still want to get my idea out there. :/.
From first view this package doesn't look very different from laravel/spark at all, structu…
I want to filter details from a table where its status is zero.I tried like this
$filter = \DataFilter::source(new \App\category);
$filter->add('id','ID', 'text');
A aplicação funciona perfeitamente em ambiente de desenvolvimento, subo para o servidor de produção, rodo a migrate e nada!
Trait 'OwenIt\Auditing\AuditingTrait' not found
It is quite a bad idea to have the administrator account set in the seeder as that file will be committed to source control.
Even if the user is resetting the password on first login, that stil…
Hello, guys!
Because that all code inside ServiceProviders boot() methods is calling all the time in all requests, it even trying to publish migrations, configs and in some of packages it doing some …
First of all thank you for such a great tool!
Here's my route:
``` php
$api = app('Dingo\Api\Routing\Router');
$api->version('v3', function ($api) {
$api->post('auth/register', 'App\Http\Co…
@taylorotwell Hi mate, is there any plans in the future to have L5 support Paypal with the Cashier as an alternative to Stripe?
: | - they decided to put Authorizable in there. so now it has permission based things. You should check it out. (It's optional to install though)
So I added a new role, and was able to edit the name/description on it but if I try to modify an action permission on either my new role or the existing "Members" role, I get an sql error about a miss…
If there is not currently, it would be great to have a class to (int/char) map for the MorphTo database ability.
This would save a ton of space in the db as each record would not have to store the f…