- gtest is in ./vendor
- nanoflann is in ./include/pdal/third
I'd kind of prefer the former, which would entail moving a single file.
TODO: Take a look at the patch:
"there is a couple of warning when compiling in 64 bits"
# Index: nanoflann.hpp
--- nanoflann.hpp (revision 39165)
+++ nanoflann.hpp (working copy)
@@ -396,12 …
Currently search results are the same for radius and nearest neighbor sorts (distances and indices) but the packaging is different, making it challenging to swap search modes easily. If there is inte…
**Original report ([archived issue](https://osrf-migration.github.io/gzweb-gh-pages/#!/osrf/gzweb/issues/41)) by Nick Sweet (Bitbucket: [nckswt](https://bitbucket.org/%7B7148c918-f4ee-4696-9a93-ca3d4d…
The names for the various nearest-neighbors search functions need to be standardized.
This is an entrance task for the fundamental machine learning algorithms GSoC project http://www.shogun-toolbox.org/page/Events/gsoc2014_ideas#fundamental.
The road map for this task could roughly be…
I have successfully downloaded and compiled flann on ubuntu.
I'm just trying to play with the code to know whether it fits my needs. I'm just recoding a simple version of nlmeans with flann.