I'm looking for a way to evaluate an expression with Scriban.
Let's say I have a template like `{{ if customer.name == "Smith" }} Hi {{ end }}`. What I would like to do is evaluate the expr…
Hello Alexandre,
I'm already using your MarkDig project in my blog at serenity.is. While searching for a template engine alternative to Razor / RazorGenerator for my code generation needs (sergen, …
When model has Upper case properties, Render emits empty string.
This is the test I've done.
var template = Template.Parse("Hello {{Name}}!");
var result = …
xoofx updated
7 years ago
Is there a way to call the objects `ToString()` method with a format specifier?
Desi definitia pentru `șocî́te` exista [aici][1], este imposibil de gasit folosind API-ul sau site-ul.
1. Daca accesezi [definitia][1] si dai click pe cuvant, esti redirectat la https://dexonline.r…
How to specify a default date/time format for the scriban template engine?
it says,
> Using date.now th…
The `\n` [is supported in scriban](https://github.com/lunet-io/scriban/blob/master/doc/language.md#31-strings). So I assume the following will print new line instead of `\n` literal. will it not?
For the following code,
var template = Template.Parse(@"This {{ ""is"" | string.upcase }} {{ text | string.capitalize }} ({{ text }}),{{""\n""}} and {{myfunction}} from scriban!");…
First of all, super cool project! We have a current project that uses DotLiquid. While nice, the fact that they don't have a proper parser is holding them back. I'm looking into switching to Sc…