Hi all
I'm trying to build a network that takes in two sentences, turns them into fixed-length representations using a shared feed-forward NN, and then calculates their dot product. Unfortunately, I …
I've a data set 4 examples each of 50 inputs ,each input of dimension 3 (that is, data.shape=(4,50,3) )
I've implemented a siamese network exactly as given in this example:
when i change the [slim] train_image_classifier to a person re-id model,i finetune this model from resnet_v1_50 checkpoint 。i got very big loss
I am trying to concatenate auxiliary inputs with a siamese lstm. I have verified the siamese lstm works fine, but cannot add in the auxiliary inputs. Pleae see code below.
embedding_layer = Embed…
I tried running the current example using "model.pkl", but the results are always "same person". Also I tried training my own model, and same result.
When I try to compile your code, error occurs like this.
examples/mnist examples/siamese examples/cpp_classification examples/cifar10 matlab/+caffe/private python/caffe src/caffe src/caffe/layer…
when i use this model,but my new data is not tfrecords,and can't change to tfrecod, because my new data is a pair of da…
I have a basic question regarding training a Siamese network. The MNIST example given in the doc loads data from binary files using the ./examples/siamese/create_mnist_siamese.sh script.
In my case, I…
I can compile caffe normally.
When I add this to the LIBRARY_DIRS, I get the error seen at the bottom:
If I try to make matcaffe, it also doesn't …