pRO will be launching today for CBT let's all be updated for the new 3rd party programs we can use.... FF
## 📋 Anything to add?
Create a system to channel disputes and connect them to experts accountable for approaching parts involved and help manage the issue - solve it with graduated sanctions, or sc…
Thanks for the response the other day.
The program was working fine, but the current version is failing to OCR.
OCR frequently mistakes "ジ" for "シ".
Is there something wrong with my settings?
So it's a bit of a pain to use the lib as is with hardhat.
First I need to get the SystemFactory, then cast it, then deploy the contract from it.
In order to avoid that I developed something that…
fake-ip模式下 断开网络一会重新连接打不开谷歌
显示 您的连接不是私密连接或者无法访问网站 然后在重新连接一下网络就可以正常访问了
Add support for emoji autocomplete suggestions for telegram desktop upon typing colon [ : ] . This feature is already implemented on webogram.
It is a quite common feature among many chat clients to convert messages starting with the "/me" command. This originates from IRC, but is also found in other systems like for instance Skype or XMPP. …
As I've written a couple PRs and issues now I've been wondering what the main contributors' preferences are with regard to contributions, since there's no specified place to ask.
Some questions:
### 问题类型 / Type of issues
* 其它 / other
这是继 #1739 之后的又一次大扫除。请各位按列表检查自己名下的包,如果有意继续维护就勾选掉,如果不想管了、不记得了、好像没什么用了之类的,就留在那里。一个月之后还没有被勾选的包,我会发起 orphaning 流程。记得可以直接编辑留言,而不必用鼠标逐个点击。
### Steps to reproduce
1. Select text on telegram desktop
2. Copy text
3. Paste into iMessage
### Expected behaviour
Text should paste normally, in english. As shown below in discord