Perhaps I'm missing something here, but search queries don't seem to be working for me. It's not actually returning results that match my query. Instead, it's just returning most recent papers (i…
The few remaining dev tasks have been moved to separate issues.
- [ ] Add more details to ADVANCED.md
- [ ] Add jsdoc comments
- [ ] Write and run automated tests for each package
- […
Ethan White and colleagues present an extremely useful review on practical steps towards data sharing. At a time when **data revolution** and the **4th paradigm** are topics du jour in many scientific…
I get a null pointer error when parsing the string below:
Works in ruby 1.9.2
xml_string = "\\n\\nWXYG\\n\\nSauk Rapids, Minnesota\\n\\nAlbum Rock 540, The Goat\\n\\n\\n540kilohertzkHz\\nClassic…
Submitted by: Massimo (setec_astronomy)