- BNB signer for address mapping
- no need for withdrawal as Oracle will do the transfer
- see javascript doc ref: https://github.com/binance-chain/javascript-sdk/wiki/API-Documentation
const BnbApiClient = require("@binance-chain/javascript-sdk")
const bnbClient = new BnbApiClient("https://dex.binance.org")
* **Version**:
* **Platform**:
* **Subsystem**:
Version: 10.16.3
Platform: 4.15.0-1044-aws #46-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jul 4 13:38:28 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Subsystem: http2…
At the time of development,It's ok
`npm run dev`
When I deploy
`npm start`
got error
[egg-scripts] Save log file to /root/logs
[egg-scripts] Wait Start: 1...
[egg-scripts] Wait Star…
I want to demonstrate TSS for Zilliqa and not sure about how plausible it is. I understand that it is now possible to compile Rust to webassembly and then it could be used in the same envir…
I am connected to mainnet through dex.binance.org and I am converting private key to address, in that process I am getting a ''tbnb'' prefixed address.
How can I switch that behavior?
$ tbnbcli keys add --recover --dry-run
> Enter your recovery seed phrase:
stumble chase victory bright iron plug laugh loud return recycle silk truck waste region hole spot crucial rif…
The function `getPrivateKeyFromMnemonic` https://github.com/binance-chain/javascript-sdk/blob/master/src/crypto/index.js#L279 will only ever return address_index 0, making it pretty useless.
The api docs doesn't give a good example of how to use multisend with ledger.
I gather you need to init the client with `useLedgerSigningDelegate`, but when i try to run `multiSend` after that i g…
This is not javascript_sdk.
I have designed .Net_SDK (C#) for binance dex.
How to send it for binance dex team to verify it ?