``` node js
let cbor = require("cbor");
let str = "";
for(let i = 0; i < 16375; i++)
str += "a";
cbor.decodeFirstSync(cbor.encode({ str, v: 10 }));
Error: Insufficient data
Often we want slightly different codecs for Json vs Cbor. We have defined the helpers like these:
def targetSpecificEnc[T](cborEnc: Encoder[T], jsonEnc: Encoder[T]): Encoder[T] = { (write…
Sorry to be That Guy™, but why would someone use this instead of [CBOR](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7049)? And if there is a reason, "Wire vs CBOR" deserves a heading in the README.
I have been playing with https://www.zephyrproject.org/ recently.
Seems like they are developing really fast.
A lot of SOC supported, especially bluetooth / bluetooth mesh is very promising.
when I verify the CBOR string :90a321642f332f3000613003744f70656e204d6f62696c6520416c6c69616e6365a200613103764c69676874776569676874204d324d20436c69656e74a20061320369333435303030313233a20061330363312e3…
# Context
As shown in the following diagram see: About Address Derivation:
| Base-58 Enc…
KtorZ updated
5 years ago
Hi guys,
Now I am research on the DFU function by uart. I use nrf52832 running hci_uart sample as controller to connect with the Host. All I want to do is to upgrade the firmware of nrf52832 by the…
Background: We're considering synthesizing union types during generic type inference, same as we do for functions:
function makeArr(x: T, y: T): T[] { return [x, y] }
const ar = makeArr("1", …
case class Wrapper(xs: Array[Byte])
case class TypedWrapper[T](xs: Array[T])
import io.bullet.borer.derivation.MapBasedCodecs._
implicit def wrapperCodec: Codec[Wrap…
scala> io.bullet.borer.Json.encode(BigDecimal(100)).toByteArray
res0: Array[Byte] = Array(49, 48, 48)
scala> io.bullet.borer.Json.encode(BigDecimal(100.1)).toByteArray