Given you already have a gemspec, is there any reason you haven't published it as a gem on rubygems.org? Thanks.
http://csvlint.io/validation/530b111263737676e91d0000 and http://media.nhschoices.nhs.uk/data/foi/Dentists.csv
http://csvlint.io/validation/530b5aa263737633f8000000 gives duplicate column name errors, as there's a title line on the first row, then a blank row, followed by headers.
It seems to be a common iss…
While validating CSV from http://www.who.int/tb/country/data/download/en/
I got a service unavailable message
![capture decran 2014-03-04 a 13 43 34](https://f.cloud.github.com/assets/215795/2321050…
- https://github.com/theodi/content_api/issues/76
- https://github.com/theodi/csvlint/issues/38
A user should be able to point to a list of CSV files and have them all submitted for validation.
A user should be able to provide a URL to a JSON schema and see a summary of the schema constraints, e.g a list of fields, their types, patterns, etc.
This provides basic human-readable documentation…
Provide a file upload option to allow a user to validate a CSV that hasn't yet been published to the web
Ensure that there are clear non-technical descriptions of each problem and instructions on how to fix.