This will finally get me to make a website! But I ran into this error:
processing file: test.Rmd
|......................................................................| 100%
ordinary text wi…
Projekti ladattu 19.8, vika kommitti 17c1399
Erittäin korkeatasoinen projekti! 👍🏽 👍🏽
Itsellä ensikosketus Jupyter notebookkeihin, tuo VSCode plugari oli varsin näppärä. Kokeilin myös Anacondan …
In GitLab by @Smibu on Aug 25, 2017, 12:19
Siis tuohon tyyliin .addAbove lisätään tapahtuma tuolla
editing.ts:ssä, rivi 382.
Integration test for OBI currently fails:
This is obv not OBI's fault, it is coming fr…
Summary of request: Add a new organization to ROR
Name of organization: Southern California Coastal Ocean Observing System*en
Website: https://sccoos.org
Domains: sccoos.org
Link to publications…
Below is a list of verbatims copied from the EUA documents with limited redundant check. Those terms include synonyms, alternative terms and acronyms. Please sort it out with correct hierarchies befor…
In GitLab by @vesal on Jul 19, 2020, 11:09
IAO uses relationships like part-of and has-part to model the structure of documents (informational entities, GDCs). These are broad RO relations, unconstrained by domain and range (but additional uni…
In GitLab by @vesal on Jun 20, 2019, 08:58
* [ ] numericfiled ongelmat eri selainten ja , ja . kanssa
* [ ] Erilaisten oikeuksien ja aikarajojen pika-asetus save-buttonnilla (ks #1446…