It looks like get_deposit_list only pulls actual deposits into the whole account... I would like to gather the data for Transfers to and from Main/Trading accounts. Is this possible?
In my code:
`console.log(await API.rest.Market.OrderBook.getLevel2_full('BTC-USDT'))`
In console I see `{ code: '404', msg: 'not exist' }`
What should I do?
> api_key = ''
> api_secret = ''
> api_passphrase = ''
import asyn…
Is there a plan to support ruby?
I can subscribe to public channels (e.g. '/market/ticker:') but can not get any private channel like '/spotMarket/tradeOrders' to work.
An example call which I think would work:
Adding new exchanges is a pretty simple proccess at this point. I will accept requests, but some conditions need to be met.
- The exchange needs to be supported by ccxt.
- If the exchange has a te…
Can you add pageSize as a parameter for the endpoints that support it? Or default the API to 500. It takes to long to fetch the data if we use 50 at a time.
hey, can you provide me more info about the bot
code :
res :
{'code': '200000', 'data': []}
I can't find any way to set the parameters to expand the ticker list size. I expected to see ALL tickers, since that is the function's name, yet its only showing 14.