Deleted following scenarios from production database:
- Joep van Leersum
- Antonello Monti
- Stijn Santen
- Frank Vanclay
``` sql
INSERT INTO `scenarios` (`id`, `author`, `title`, `description`, `cre…
See quintel/etmodel#1555
I have an example here where if I lose connection with a collection, I get an error.
Here is the code:
``` javascript
/*jslint indent: 4, node: true, nomen:true, maxlen: 100*/
'use strict';
var DAT…
After the merging of "Input cleanup" pull requests for
- [x] ETsource
- [x] ETmodel
- [x] ETengine
- [x] ETflex
- [x] mechanical_turk
the databases for
- [x] ETmodel
- [x] ETengine?
- [x] ETf…
Now their naming is very confusing and very ugly.
@dennisschoenmakers I recall you having ideas of how to rename/restructure input yamls. Assigning to you for the moment.
> We're always on the look-out for artists, producers, technicians and support staff who are passionate about film and television post-production - just as we are. We're an artist-driven company which…
Should be fixed on live too.
We currently can't query what the bio_footprint of one converter is.
It would be nice to be able to query this like: `V(converter;bio_footprint)`
It can work just like the bio_footprint_calculation …