I have a node publishing at `chameleon3/image_raw/compressed` but despite setting my launch file properly, I am not getting a callback. I have modified my launch file as such:
halt9 updated
7 years ago
I closed issue #17 because the scope of the original problem was surpassed, but this is a new problem I'm having. I got the latest version of the repo. When I try to load the net, it loads, the…
halt9 updated
7 years ago
@708yamaguchi @YutoUchimi
7/14 中間発表
7/27-31 ARC
- 近接+接触センサでフィードバックをかけながら物体を把持する (黒、透明については別途対応する) @708yamaguchi
-- Fetchの指先にセンサをつけるための3Dプリンタ部品を作る.シリコンをいれて固める
- 人が持っているダンボールの箱を見つけて把持する (人が来た、…
/src/darknet/yolo2.cpp:123:93: error: too few arguments to function ‘void get_region_boxes(layer, int, int, float, float**, box*, int, int*, float)’
get_region_boxes(output_layer, 1, 1, min_conf…
$ sudo apt-get remove --purge ros-indigo-darknet
ros-indigo-darknet (2016.11.27-1trusty) を削除しています ...
dpkg: 警告: ros-indigo-darknet の削除中、ディレクトリ '/opt/ros/indigo/share/darknet/weights' が空でないた…
Following compilation instructions of arapaho, I can compile it but I can't get it to work. Here's my Makefile:
```LDFLAGS= -lm -pthread
CFLAGS=-Wall -Wfatal-errors
OPTS=-O0 -g
halt9 updated
7 years ago
hi, pgigioli
I'm very sorry to bother you,when i use the yolo-tiny.cfg and yolo-tiny.weights ,the program works;but when i change to yolo.yolocfg and yolo.weights, error occurs .
that is
`22: Con…
this package depends on `nvidia-cuda`, which is equivalent to `apt-get install nvidia-cuda-toolkit`.
`nvidia-cuda-toolkit` installs CUDA Version 5.5 which is not up-to-date and does not have compatib…
I receive the following error after I try to build the ros package:
I tried installing this for ROS Jade on Ubuntu 15.04
When I try to build the node (via catkin_make), I get the following error:
-- +++ processing catkin package: 'darknet_ros'
-- ==> add_subdirectory…