As a busy meal planner
So I can take my list to the store
I want to be able to print my list in an easily readable format
As a busy meal planner
So I can quickly fine tune my inventory list
I want to be able to manually adjust the quantity of products on my inventory list
As a busy meal planner
So i can quickly import a variety of tasty recipes I find whilst browsing
I want to be able to import recipes from other sites
As a busy meal planner
So I can understand what ingredients I have to hand
I want to be able to view a list of products that are in my kitchen
As a busy meal planner
So I can minimise time to add a product in future
I want to be able to save a product to a product database for future use
Hotlink buttons are not disabling when meal dialogue is open. Should not be able to delete planner or make PDF while in meal creator. Also need to see why the create pdf button is not working in mobil…
Need to add settings, pdf, trash and logout to navigation bar for meal planner page.
As a busy menu planner
So I don't have to create a recipe for single item foods
I would like to be able to add single food items to my planner
As a user with little time
So I don't have to provide all of my information when signing in/up
I would like to be able to log in/sign up using 3rd party accounts such as Facebook or github