1. I install croogo v1.5.7
2. I go to /admin/nodes then click create content , then choose page conten type
3. I set parent to "About" , i write title "The Company", then write some sente…
Klient składa zamówienie, klient przenosi się do payu, płaci, pieniądze są transferowane ALE status płatności w sklepie pozostaje "Rozpoczęcie płatności PayU"
z …
Criar algum tipo de método para ao realizar alguma transação com PS, salvar dados no banco de dados e se possível, uma interface para a verificação do estado do pagamento.
O ideial seria, ao completar…
No Tutorial diz o seguinte:
url de notificação: sempre que uma transação mudar de status, o PagSeguro envia uma notificação para sua loja ou para a URL que você informar neste campo. Obs.: Esta URL é …
Just testing out this app, when trying to play a video all I get is:
Everyone wants this. People expect it: #1958
The current system is build so that a socket will only be reused if there is a pending request. However, this is not optimal for many many use cases. …
// Create a new instance of the markdown parser
$md = new MarkdownParser();
di log : PHP Fatal error: Class 'MarkdownParser' not found in function
masih ada MarkdownParser.
# @ http://perishablepress.com/5g-blacklist-2013/
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
Hi ,
Recently we installed Yourls 1.6. Working fine. Creating short urls finely.
Problem is that, invited user of my application getting login without activating the account. The activation url als…
I've been looking through the known issues regarding the 500 error that comes up on a sub-directory install, I've installed the latest commits, etc. but I am still having problems....
If I dele…