Simply running QML from Softimage as-is produces the following exception.
# Traceback (most recent call last):
# File "c:\pythonpath\pyblish_rpc\service.py", line 117, in _dispatch
# return…
Could we add a pythonw.bat to execute python script in an pyblish-win environment?
@echo off
set PYTHONPATH=%~dp0..\pythonpath;%~dp0..\lib\python-qt5;%PYTHONPATH%
start "" "%~dp0..\lib\Python27\p…
When having other tools that adds to the File menu, like Red9, the userSetup line `pyblish_maya.lib.add_to_filemenu()` error out and nothing gets added to the File menu.
A solution is to encapsulate …
Since pyblish-standalone is a one way communication with a host, the reset button is obsolete.
You can have same named instances in different families, which messes with the processing of the instances.
``` python
import pyblish.api
class SameNames(pyblish.api.Collector):
def proc…
About [`__main__.py`](https://github.com/pyblish/pyblish-standalone/blob/34a943709d954b8d60be9333592633e19d16a496/pyblish_standalone/__main__.py).
### Goal
Enable users to customise which ports should be used to communicate with Pyblish RPC.
### Motivation
Currently, clients launch at 6001 and increment from there. Next client occupies 6002, 6…
### Goal
Facilitate the inclusion of any host, without needing to alter surrounding libraries.
### Motivation
Currently, a few hosts are supported by the core Pyblish library. They are [currently ha…
For example the plug-in below will make the GUI never pass the rotating circle. The GUI remains in the _Not Ready_ state.
``` python
import pyblish.api
class ReportBuggy(pyblish.api.Plugin):
Currently pyblish-standalone will start a new python process, when executed.
Having a process already running would increase the startup. This could happen either manually by the user setup, with ini…