Hello everyone,
Is it possible to get a list of all online chatroom members from a groupchat?
I've been struggling with this for a day now, i saw that steam for node.js ( https://github.com/seishun/…
`[Error: Offer #721136877 is accepted, but does not have a trade ID]`
Error returned when calling `offer.getReceivedItems(function(err, items) { ... }`
Results in items being undefined.
After the bot has logged in nothing happens. The only thing that is printed to the console is "Logged In!" and nothing more but the program doesn't exit, it keeps running but isn't doing anything afte…
I googled a lot on how to make a steam bot, which can send users trade offers. But I did not really find much about it. Or, as in this case, too much ;-)
So please tell me where I can find in you…
I run a bot , and I like that hanging console. I do not know what to do :(
![2015-09-12 14-52-57 c windows system32 cmd exe](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/14248230/9831386/54445230-595e-…
I have problem, i don't know why, but if I want to receive my offers from my account on steam i have error " 'response' of undefined." What can I do?
I'm talking about this:
ghost updated
9 years ago
Here is my send json:
"partnerSteamId":"76561198192437599", // My steam id
"accessToken":"9s9UlV2J", // My trade url token
// Bots items
I experienced some issue using socket.io with node-steam & node-steam-tradeoffers and I want to know if someone already used this.
My problem come really from socketio, if i delete this It's wor…
ghost updated
9 years ago
When getting trade offers `OtherAccountId`
It returns like a: `STEAM_0:1:31561936`
Is it possible to get a SteamId64 instead like:
Any information would be great thanks looked …
I experienced some issue using socket.io with node-steam-tradeoffers and I want to know if someone already used this.
My problem come really from socketio, if i delete this It's working. In my m…
ghost updated
9 years ago