Updating variogram mode...
Using 'gaussian' Variogram Model
TypeError …
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Currently we are using Pyrige on our project. We use variogram model gaussian, because we are not sure why on linear, all of value in asc are same. On gaussian, the result is fine, but we ne…
I've had a request to add save buttons to each of the tabs in the app so that work can be easily saved as users progress through the app. Would it be possible to add a save feature so users can safegu…
Maybe I missed it, but I didn't see an input on the speed outlier detection page to specify a standardized (HDOP=1) device error (UERE). For GPS devices, these can easily scale from 2-20 meters.
See: master/docs/Validation_GSLIB_SIM.pptx
Currently the variogram is not calculated for the straight precipitation anomaly, only the normalised precipitation anomaly. The precipitation anomaly is part of NCMP2.
@chfleming I tried to add parallel option for overlap since I thought it need to calculation many combinations of animal and they should be independent from each other.
I added a branch `parallel_o…
Functions to calculate variograms and distances are found in P3_Variogram and P4_Region_Average. Ideally, these would be defined in one place and used in both scripts to avoid the possibility of these…
Several further questions related to the “nls” function calls. Why are different “start” values used for the different functional forms? Does this matter? What happens in small domains, where the “sta…
Noted that this sometimes produces a warning message:
In acos(d1+d2): NaNs produced.