Sometimes models like [Holter Tower](http://openifcmodel.cs.auckland.ac.nz/Model/Details/316) have objects that have no IFC type assigned to them. In this case, it's all the window objects.
Would i…
Hello Lindsay,
I tried to use this method `resetView( )` and noticed this is not fully implemented, not working...
If I capture a viewpoint with
Using ````BCFViewpointsPlugin````, if I capture a viewpoint with the ````spaces_visible```` option:
const vp = myPlugin.getviewpoint({
At the time that I developed [BIMServerLoaderPlugin](https://xeokit.github.io/xeokit-sdk/docs/class/src/plugins/BIMServerLoaderPlugin/BIMServerLoaderPlugin.js~BIMServerLoaderPlugin.html), BIMServer 1.…
I work on a [EPLAN ](https://www.eplan.de/) plugin loader WIP, I know that Xeogl is build for BIM, but it is really good as MCAD viewer.
- [x] VRML Parser
- [ ] Performance mode…
nicrf updated
4 years ago
viewer.camera.projection = "ortho"
const viewpoint = bcfViewpointsPlugin.getViewpoint();
And the camera is not in the same position
Amoki updated
4 years ago
The scene.highlightMaterial.[fillColor/fillAlpha] change accordingly to the background color.
viewer.scene.highlightMaterial.fillColor = new Float32Array([
47 / 255,
55 / 255,
On a freshly installed Ubuntu 19.10 the colors aren't appearing correctly and changing the angle sometimes affects the colors.
Firefox version used: 72.0.2 (64-bit)
System information:
Hey Lindsay,
The TreeView plugin seems to crash the whole viewer with the duplex model. Would you please look into it? Thanks!