Hello I have multiple attiny85 all on the same i2c lines as slaves each with a unique address. However there seems to be an error where the i2c line appears to keep hitting the reset condition if they…
the current core definitions are huge walls of code with ifdefs sprinkled in
between: very hard to follow.
I actually did this already, though I only tested that the "Fade" example
sketch compi…
the current core definitions are huge walls of code with ifdefs sprinkled in
between: very hard to follow.
I actually did this already, though I only tested that the "Fade" example
sketch compi…
Just to get clarification (as I'm trying something similar), are you using two LoRa modules? One to send and one to receive? Did you have any trouble in sync'ing the ATtiny with the RFM so that it r…
the current core definitions are huge walls of code with ifdefs sprinkled in
between: very hard to follow.
I actually did this already, though I only tested that the "Fade" example
sketch compi…
the current core definitions are huge walls of code with ifdefs sprinkled in
between: very hard to follow.
I actually did this already, though I only tested that the "Fade" example
sketch compi…
the current core definitions are huge walls of code with ifdefs sprinkled in
between: very hard to follow.
I actually did this already, though I only tested that the "Fade" example
sketch compi…
the current core definitions are huge walls of code with ifdefs sprinkled in
between: very hard to follow.
I actually did this already, though I only tested that the "Fade" example
sketch compi…
I use this repository for my sensors BME280 with Attiny85. The first one works well but all others keep the same ID even if I change the ID value in the configuration.h file.
I always get an ID=5A20
will this work for the newer bmp180 >?
i am looking to have a BMP180 light a different led color for different ranges of altitudes.
any chance you can help ?
this will be implumented on my FPV…