Error - Some official plugins have to be updated if using PhoneGap >= 4.0.0. Please upgrade the version of any plugins that may include the following file: DatecsSDKWrapper.java - You can fix this her…
Hi there
Thanks for your hard work first.(Forgive my poor English plz,I'm just a middle school student in China and English is not my native language.)
I'm trying to port CM13 to my klimttd also as …
(00.193594) 17283: Restoring resources
(00.193608) 17283: Opening fdinfo-s
(00.193615) 17283: Restoring fd 3 (state -> prepare)
(00.193619) 17283: Restoring fd 4 (state -> prepare)
Does This tool serve to send archives for impression in a thermal printer?
- This happened first today when I started Virtualbox then started a VM that was paused. Then at 95% of loading the entire OS seemed to freeze. Ping from another pc didn't go through.
- Shutdown by p…
i have a Ultraslim CX 271XX netbook with Debian jessie and mate.
The system can shutdown/suspend/hibernate as normal.
But when wakeup from suspend to ram, then of 1 minute, the system instant powerof…
I have a WRT3200ACM for which I am having performance issues with the wireless. I know that is not helpful as a bug report, but can try any debug requested. This is linked to an openwrt thread here:
I could launch steam client when i am using Ubuntu 13.04, however, when i recently update the system to 13.10 and find steam will not launch anymore.
Below is the detailed information.
![screenshot f…
bbfan updated
7 years ago
root@LEDE:~# nsjail -Ml --port 9000 --chroot /chroot/ --user 99999 --group 99999 -- /bin/sh -i
[2017-10-15T10:02:43+0000] Mode: LISTEN_TCP
[2017-10-15T10:02:43+0000] Jail parameters: hostname:'…
ebadi updated
7 years ago
I use bluetooth printer to print but when I search using this code `function pickPrinter(){
cordova.plugins.printer.pick(function (uri) {
alert(uri ? uri : 'Canceled');
}` it l…