When trying [one of the example notebooks](https://github.com/IndEcol/wurst-examples/blob/master/introduction/Introduction%20and%20Wurst%20basics.ipynb), I ran into issues when using ecoinvent 3.4. Is…
Currently a manual installation of `7zip` is required to use `eidl`. It would be way more convenient to have an 7z-capable unarchive program installed via conda. This would also make it possible to in…
Currently, we are trying to map manufacturing process models that carry analytical expressions in a MathML representation to ecoSpold and to run the generated files in Brightway2 to conduct some LCAs.…
Is there a reason why the default project is copied every time I run a new model? Would it be possible to just store the foreground processes as a model-database without copying the background ecoinve…
**TLDR version - skip to [suggested new version](#suggested-new-version) section**
Lcopt was originally written when bw2parameters was at version [0.5.3](https://bitbucket.org/cmutel/brightway2-par…
**[Original report](https://bitbucket.org/cmutel/brightway2-regional/issue/2) by Estelle Louineau (Bitbucket: [estelle_louineau](https://bitbucket.org/estelle_louineau), ).**
I am a new user of Python, Brightway and Lcopt; so forgive me if I make silly mistakes!
I have just installed lcopt in anaconda and followed all the steps detailed on the website. However, when I o…
Question 1: is it possible to choose at which level the flows should be grouped/ungrouped in Sankey diagram? For example, at depth of 2, there are two nodes for A11 (i.e.: ungrouped rather than having…
**[Original report](https://bitbucket.org/cmutel/brightway2/issue/16) by James Joyce (Bitbucket: [pjamesjoyce](https://bitbucket.org/pjamesjoyce), GitHub: [pjamesjoyce](https://github.com/pjamesjoyce)…
I've been using Brightway2 and the Activity-Browser tool for a few weeks now and last Friday when I tried to open it, I got this error. I uninstalled everything including python and miniconda…