Hello ExpansionNet_v2 contributors,
I was wondering if anyone has attempted to convert ExpansionNet_v2 based ".pth" model to ".onnx" and then to TensorRT format?
Thank you and best regards,
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### A clear and concise description of the issue.
Frigate script stops at:
Package libtbb2 is not available, but is r…
Thank you for your excellent work and I have some questions.
I have trained with a COCO format dataset and the amodal_segm task and visible_segm task do not seem to be working.
Do you know why?
## ❔Question
Standart requirements.txt installements are not possible for this kind of processors (AARCH64) because of their architecture. Is there any planned special version or any specialized setu…
### 💡 Your Question
I generate onnx using the following code:
import torch
from super_gradients.training import models
from super_gradients.common.object_names import Models
model = mo…
I'm facing an issue while trying to run inference with a TensorFlow Lite model quantized to INT8 precision. The model was trained using CenterNet MobileNet for hand keypoint detection, and I'm getting…
after installing PyTorch and building detectron2, which packages should be installed?
I got this error :
cannot import name 'bbox_inside_old' from 'utils.box_utils'
it seems there is …
DWPose but for animal
The original implementation doesn't use a object detector so it can only recognize one animal in the image. From my test, YOL…
由於yolov5跟yolov7都有出了語意分割(segmentation),因此save_txt的內容,就不像傳統的只有bbox xywh值
不曉得作者您能否做一個polygon的yolo(txt)轉COCO (json)方式
### Checklist
- [ ] I have searched related issues but cannot get the expected help.
- [ ] 2. I have read the [FAQ documentation](https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmdeploy/tree/main/docs/en/faq.md) but …