Die Scrollevents werden auch immer vom AppBarLayout/CollapsingToolbarLayout ausgewertet. Das hat schon einmal besser funktioniert. :-(
smeir updated
9 years ago
Hello Jing,
Thank you for sharing your insights on creating android apps with RN. I'm impressed with your implementations of two custom native modules (webview & swiperefresh) that are not yet parts …
I'm trying to do something like on Google Maps, where the content above the bottom sheet is touchable, there is no dimming, and I can scroll the bottom sheet till it shows its whole content , and even…
发现个小问题 主布局是CoordinatorLayout 内层是一个AppBarLayout 和一个可滚动的控件,AppBarLayout内部是一个collapsingToolbarLayout,目前不能看到顶部弹出Snackbar的效果,看不到效果,不知道是不是第一个参数给的有问题 我给的是最外层的协调器布局。
Hello, first of all thank you for this improvement of AppBarLayout. I managed to create a simple activity with collapsing toolbar and a nestedscrollview under it. I have encountered a problem when usi…
ghost updated
8 years ago
I am having trouble implementing smooth collapsing toolbar.
My Layout looks like this
``` xml
你好 我在用您的SubActivity做测试用例 出现了
15741-15741/com.yanbober.support_v2220_demo W/View﹕ requestLayout() improperly called by android.support.v7.widget.Toolbar{23ad06c5 V.E..... ......ID 0,0-1080,168 #7f0c006…
Hi, Thanks for your awesome library. According to your 3 steps, I just add your library from gradle compile "me.henrytao:smooth-app-bar-layout:0.2.1" and change the Remove app:layout_behavior="@string…
I try load image from server but not work - http://worldfilmpeople.bombinfo.ru/1/DvpvklR.png --- NOT GOOD
IF i try load image from http://i.imgur.com/DvpvklR.png --- GOOD
10-14 15:07:58.300 2099-…
It's my layout xml content:
``` xml
And my screenshot when using smooth app bar layout: