## Expected Behavior
Generate SVG file for download.
## Actual Behavior
Uncaught TypeError: Failed to construct 'Blob': The provided value cannot be converted to a sequence.
Line: 373,col: …
Is there any way to slice multiple objects to be printed simultaneously with different settings per object? Thanks!!
CC @Louieadamian
## Expected Behavior
I tested generating STL files from a single interactive jscad example from both the browser and command line. The command line version generates garbage data:
openjscad models/t…
Currently if you make underlying changes to components the params UI gets reset to its defaults every time making it hard to see minor changes without a bunch of setup. Would it help to give of proto…
## Expected Behavior
Working Typescript definitions from `@types/openjscad`
import {CSG} from '@jscad/csg'
should autocomplete in VSCode.
## Actual Behavior
It appears the …
I am attempting to preform a difference operation on a CSG cube with an extruded svg image. In this example, I am simply trying to remove a small disk from the surface of a block, using an svg.
The DXF export currently only does individual entities. Could add an option to detect chains and emit Polylines.
Hi, I've made installation steps in order to get offline version working, with no success.
`% git clone https://github.com/Spiritdude/OpenJSCAD.org`
`% cd OpenJSCAD.org`
`% make install`
When …
wrapped in something like electron some people can run it on their desktops as an electron app. is this something people wound find useful?
Hi folks !
Great project :)
I am one of the main maintainers of OpenJscad and wanted to let you know there have been major updates to the project:
- it is now a github org https://github.com/jscad…