Exception as below:
[2024-01-29 15:34:37] flarum.ERROR: TypeError: Flarum\Mentions\Api\LoadMentionedByRelationship::mutateRelation(): Argument #2 ($request) must be of type Psr\Http\Message\ServerR…
deteh updated
9 months ago
My composer.json:
"require": {
"php": "^8.2",
"devnoiseconsulting/laravel-scout-postgres-tsvector": "^9.1",
"doctrine/dbal": "^3.6.1",
"guzzlehttp/guzzle": "^7.…
This is coming up when I connnect to the /laravel-websockets screen and connect to the websockets server.
I'm currently going through a nginx reverse proxy.
I've tried enabling dns lookups to…
so I successfully added the websocket to my vps. But now I want to see the dashboard but I cannot connect, because the url to the websocket is wrong.
`pusher.min.js:8 WebSocket c…
can't we use this application with laravel websocket instead of pusher js ?
since it can be use as a pusher replacement.i would be very nice if we …
### Bug description
When serving statamic using octane and configuring it to use the user eloquent driver it gives the following error:
Target [Statamic\Contracts\Auth\User] is not instantiable.
On Windows 10, the project launches in dev mode, but due to a memory leak, it crashes after some time. This occurs following several recompilations. We don't have a specialist who could identify and f…
Create table for words and nouns. Query it when generating usernames
Reference: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8674718/best-way-to-select-random-rows-postgresql
- Horizon Version: 5.7.17
- Laravel Version: 8.76.2
- PHP Version: 7.4.24
- Redis Driver & Version: predis 1.1.9
- Database Driver & Version: MySQL 5.7.36
### Description:
If you configure a…
My vue site is https://www.xxx.com
and my Laravel api is https://api.xxx.com
I use Laravel Echo with Pusher and it always wants to use https://www.xxx.com/broadcasting/auth to join my channels.