If I:
1. take `playground/grouped-load-on-demand.tsx`,
2. change the height of items to 200px,
3. focus on the list and hold down the 'End' key (or ⌘+▼ on Macbooks),
4. click on "Press to load mor…
Something like domEl.scrollIntoView();
elmnt.scrollIntoView({block: 'start', behavior: 'smooth'});
Hi! Great work on this library - really appreciate the standard support for inverse (chat) style scrolling. I have run in to a small issue when prepending data that comes from an asynchronous source t…
I'm trying to build a chat app, but the size of messages could vary wildly. The chat starts from the bottom (so I want to use `initialTopMostItemIndex={messages.length - 1}`.
The problem is that be…
First off, thanks for creating this awesome library. We're using it to build chat and we're trying to implement virtualised scrolling on it. We know there's issues regarding this, but it seems we've g…
First of all, thank you for this great work.
I'm using this library to create a chat app like Slack, but there is one feature I'd like to achieve. That is to restore the previous scrolling position w…
The way overscanning is currently implemented is counterintuitive for me, for a few reasons:
1. The viewport seems to be taken into account too, instead I'd expect overscanning to just add the prov…
Hi, I'd need a way to retrieve the visible rows rather than the rendered ones (so, I'd need to exclude the overscan).
I can't seem to find any API to do that, may you help me please?
The application works wonderfully for me with material-ui ExpansionPanels. It correctly expands and closes the panel and moves/adjusts everything else in the list accordingly (unlike react-window or r…
I believe that it would be ideal to remove the default style height of `40rem`. Doing so would avoid the need to declare inline styling for a `` component in favor of unopinionated style management v…