I am trying to train with lightened_B model in CASIA.
I followed the training methodology in paper, But it does not converge.
At beginning, accuracy is 0, and loss is 87.3365.
What's the problem?
I am…
As titled above, I encountered an issue that the input numbers were not correct when I trained the Siamese example on Windows8.1. According my investigation, it happened because of the definition on C…
In some cases for example [siamese convolutional network](http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/publis/pdf/chopra-05.pdf), the accuracy is not easily defined and we can only evaluate the performance of a hyper-p…
Hi, I'm writing some code to run a Siamese network like in https://github.com/fchollet/keras/pull/928.
Input is a pair of sentences which is converted to an embedding layer before being fed to a GRU…
Moved from https://github.com/benanne/Lasagne/issues/133
skaae updated
8 years ago
I want to train a model in DIGITS with a contrastive loss function, but I get an error telling me to add a loss layer. Is it possible to use any other loss function different from "SoftmaxWithLos…
here is the whole errors, anyone can help me? Thanks a lot.
henry@henry:~/Desktop/caffe/caffe-master$ make all -j8
PROTOC src/caffe/proto/caffe.proto
CXX src/caffe/syncedmem.cpp
CXX src/caffe/interna…
I designed a network using caffe to do face verification. I chose CONTRASTIVE LOSS to optimize the net. But I met a problem :
The loss can not descend to a reasonable level. I have tried many strate…
when I use GPU to train mnist siamese. the loss is nan.
xzm@xzm:~/caffe-master6.25$ ./examples/siamese/train_mnist_siamese.sh
I0625 10:30:28.496675 24471 data_layer.cpp:118] Prefetch batch: 6 …
xuzhm updated
9 years ago
Hi, I have researched the face verification for a period of time and keep learning DeepID recently. I found that your implement the DeepID2 prototxt in "mnist_siamese_train_test". However,…