Did you trained the Ensnet?
Their official repo dataset does not have text mask, or bounding boxes mask. Can you tell me how you generated that. And on which dataset you trained ENSNET
As a Synthetics user, I'd like to be able to disable monitor runs from a specific location.
Individual locations can be disabled from the monitor grid item actions and the monitor details flyout.
Hello, thanks for your code! I modified the utils function according to your requirements under Windows OS, but it shows "list index out of range"? For Dataset_gen/ dataset.py is OK.
## User Story
In order to ensure the quality of our sites, datagovteam would like a reliable report on broken links.
## Acceptance Criteria
- [ ] GIVEN a list of pages
- [ ] _(optional)_ GI…
**User stories**
As a user of real browser based monitors
I want to be able to view a page load waterfall and filmstrip of the page load
So that I can understand what to load experience was of ever…
I have downloaded the training data at the link that you provide in the readme. However the images in the cloud mask folders do not seem to correspond to actual clouds in the satellite images. Each cl…
Develop three use-case-oriented vignettes to demonstrate how tidyllm can be used in real-world scenarios. The vignettes will cover the following:
1. Explain how to query PDF docum…
Just upgraded to Dart 3.0.0-417.4.beta and now see some strange reports for code inside the documentation comments https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/blob/main/pkg/analyzer/lib/src/dart/ast/ast.…
- A Survey of Deep Learning Approaches for OCR and Document Understanding (https://arxiv.org/abs/2011.13534)
Could you please add in the readme a section crediting the creators and grants that made Loghi possible?