I wrote a question in a [closed issue](https://github.com/jedisct1/dnscrypt-proxy/issues/228) related to an answer @jedisct1 gave me (thanks) and I didn't get any response probably because of …
Quoting from the author:
"We evaluated our extension with two hardened browser configurations, and found that blocking 15 of the 74 standards avoids 52.0% of code paths related to previous CVEs, an…
GOAL: Clarify existing language.
CHANGE: Page 5 (Section 1.2) of the current CNA rules states:
"In cases where requests or issues cannot be resolved by a given CNA, the issues are escalated to the n…
Maybe, if the users chooses to show HTML emails by default?
We are considering deploying quay registry if we can find out any solution for this.
I've been tracking some issues but I get lost between all those Issues, commits and PR (I'm newbie in GitHub).
I cannot test servo in CentOS/ScientificOS/RHEL 7.0 because you require too fresh glibc and ssl libraries:
$ ./servo
./servo: /lib64/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.18' not found (required by ./s…
Trying to arrange some house cleaning and I'm looking at one of your ports which hasn't seen any updates for a couple of releases and time (about a year) which is utils/unrar.
Do you hav…
Looking at the warehouse interface shuold be posible to show some rating, maybe a stars based system.
Here is a report from the oss-security mailing list for [Vulnerability Roundup 27](https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/24319).
[Skip to First Email](#first-email)
# Instructions:
## Identificati…
In https://github.com/nodejs/security-wg/issues/6, it was suggested that email alone is not sufficient for reporting vulnerabilities, we need a more trackable system of interaction.
@mikeal suggest…