When I tried to run the demo.py I got this error :
C:\deepfake>python demo.py --config config/vox-adv-256.yaml --driving_video assets/crop.mp4 --source_image assets/torsten.png --checkp…
hello lawlict, Thank you so much for the great work you shared.
My eer is 2.65% in voxceleb_test which can't reach to 1.*% when I training this model. I use aam-softmax loss which is same as loss men…
I'm working with NeMo to find out if a particular voice belongs to a specific person, to use as authentication. I saw several issues about and tested some scripts but I don't know if I'm on the…
Thank you so much for your contribution on this open source work, it really helps me a lot.
As is known to all, TNDD is commonly implemented in Kaldi.
If I want to implement it in PyTorch…
what about the file "vox1_meta.csv"
``` python
from pyannote.audio.pipelines import SpeakerDiarization
"segmentation": "pyannote/segmentation",
"embedding": "speechbrain/spkrec-ecapa-voxceleb",
I find some errors in Voxceleb training experiments.
1. The valid error rate is 1 from the 11th epoch.
2.epoch: 1, lr: 7.46e-04 - train loss: 5.50 - valid loss: 1.56, valid ErrorRate: 4.64e-02
During [evaluation](https://github.com/TaoRuijie/ECAPATDNN/blob/main/ECAPAModel.py#L82), the current implementation calculates the similarity scores one by one using a for loop, that could be slow whe…
Hello, I now have a question: about the training speaker embedding part, how to deal with voxceleb dataset to prepare for training? The reference you provided doesn't quite understand! thank you!
Hi! Thank you for the project and the codebase! I noticed that for some datasets, links to the pretrained models do not work: e.g. the image generator link on FaceForensics leads to [https://github.co…