The new webpack skeleton breaks when using aurelia-authentication with the following error:
bluebird.js:5253 Error: Unable to find module with ID: aurelia-authentication/authFilterValueConve…
Kukks updated
6 years ago
I am trying to add eslint-loader to a webpack configuration tooled for hot reloading. When added the webpack build process fails with an error when a file is changed:
webpack: Compiling...
Why does using style-loader with angular2 components and required css produce this error?
`loaders: ['style', 'css?sourceMap', 'sass?sourceMap']`
Angular 2 component
`styles: [
I'd recommend adding eslint, prettier, and eslint-config-prettier.
Also, if you want to skip the webpack part for now, run create-react-app on the project to get a good foundation.
* Node Version: 8.1.3
* NPM Version: 4.6.1
* yarn Version: 0.27.3 (I use yarn)
* koa Version: 2.3.0
* koa-wepback Version: 0.5.1
I found that using the current version of `koa-webpack` will enc…
The current implementation of `webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin` works only on entire chunks, not on individual files. As such, the plugin won't skip individual dependencies, for example, an already mi…
Hello, any suggestion/example how i can use this package with isomorfpic react application?
@karol-f Hello,
maybe I am just dumb, but I didnt get the cutom element working in another project. There are questions wich are still unanswered:
1. whats the best way to setup a custom element …
I'm using [Path Mapping based Module resolution](https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/5039) feature of TypeScript 2.0 and ts-loader failing with 'can not resolve module' error.
To repro the…
We need to match the Webpack and stack to community-app as we currently use Webpack 1. There are great features like tree-shaking and ES6 native support, plus multiple optimizations.
Created from …