Related to https://github.com/dart-atom/dartlang/issues/189. We have situations where the AS process consumes large amounts of RAM, and/or persistent high CPU usage. We'd like a way to be aware of thi…
Since CGLIB 3.2.1+ (including 3.2.3) I experience the following error:
net.sf.cglib.core.CodeGenerationException: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException-->null
at net.sf.cglib.core.…
I'm running pod install. We have both CocoaPods Spec and an internal repository. pod doesn't seem to know that the spec is fully pulled, and sits waiting for that to be noticed.
``` bash
[~]$ git --v…
How are the semantics (and collection algorithm) for weakrefs different from Ephemerons as described in the [Hayes paper](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/221320677_Ephemerons_A_New_Finalizati…
What data are you pulling from SAM?
I ask because I am thinking about socio-economic tags for awards. Classifications like small business, 8a or HUBZone are based upon when the proposal was submitte…
I am a little bit confused of an implementation of contrastive loss function. As pointed in LeCun's paper
http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/publis/pdf/hadsell-chopra-lecun-06.pdf the equation of this los…
Reported by @docluv
For a single page app, tips like flip ahead or prerender don't really apply. Not sure if we have a reliable way to detect that it's an SPA though.
From: chris love
Sent: Tuesday…
Look at SearchService.generateConstraintParameter(), line 464/466:
When building a parameter String, the } is only added finally, but not for the entries.
This leads to things like:
I'm very excited to see work being done on dictionary support in the API, because this is something that could greatly help me solve a pressing problem.
##### Context
In the context of a Document Sto…