Are there any standard ways for exporting CWL definitions as svg / png / dot / visio / gliffy / etc ?
From https://github.com/mr-c/hive-cwl-examples
when assigning positions to input field in cwl file, there may occur a case where some inputs are not assigned a position. It seems that all those unassigned fields get 0 position assigned to them. Us…
Could we have a CNAME for `view.commonwl.org` to point to heater.cs.man.ac.uk ?
Then we can deploy CWL Viewer on https://view.commonwl.org/ rather than http://heater.cs.man.ac.uk:8080/
I'll do …
stain updated
7 years ago
``` yaml
class: CommandLineTool
cwlVersion: v1.0
baseCommand: [ls, -l]
- entryname: fancy-input.json
entry: $(inputs.fancy…
## Expected Behavior
This was a working WF at version 1.0.20170622090721, should execute to completion. I cleaned out `~/.local` then `pip install --user cwltool`
## Actual Behavior
Open Debian Issues:
- [x] CPU architectures
- [x] amd64
- [x] arm64
- [x] armel : out of memory while building apps, disabled ~~WONTFIX because of GCC BUG: https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/sho…
From http://www.commonwl.org/v1.0/UserGuide.html#Introduction
_However unlike "make", CWL tasks are isolated and you must be explicit about your inputs and outputs_
When I run the first example (2.1 at **http://www.commonwl.org/v1.0/UserGuide.html** ) I got lots of keyerrors and then it finally it finishes and informs that the pipeline was run successfully. The s…
Excess empty argument appends in command line bindings:
[job WgetUrl] path mappings is {}
[job WgetUrl] command line bindings is [
"position": [