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- [x] 1.1.2 Creating metad…
> How can I do a Log Rank-Test with the Hazard Ratio of two groups? I get a bit confused how to use the classes CoxInfo, CoxR and CoxCoefficient.
> Could you give me an example how to do a Log Ra…
I am trying to set nice regression tables. Several Cox regressions next to each other with significance stars. In Stata I was using estout. In Python I am experimenting with summary_col in statsmodels…
In `coxph` and `survreg` models, the variable labels are stripped with `model.frame()`. We do have access to the model call, however. From the call, we can extract the `data` name and evaluate the n…
I was using Weibull AFT model in my project. I noticed that, when using the Weibull fitter and Weibull AFT fitter with no features on the same data, they produce different results. The resulted…
I found this surprising bug (which it turns out I'm relying on in my tests for the Cox regression...). The number of columns in the model matrix in the categorical no intercept case depend on the type…
I'd like to suggest that duplicate learner ids can sometimes be valid. For example, I am running a benchmark and would like to include lasso and ridge regression, both of which are implemented in glmn…
I use ownCloud to serve up Greyhole storage pool volumes. Since Greyhole sits on top of Samba, it follows that one would just have ownCloud talk to Samba directly. I've mounted the relevant share…
I'd like to change the default intercept behavior in formulas. Currently, we have this:
* `~ 1 + x` intercept column and x
* `~ x` intercept column and x
* `~ 0 + x` or `~ -1 + x` or `~ x-1` no …
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go version devel +da769814b8 Fri Jun 29 23:22:48 2018 +0000 darwin/amd6…