Is it possible for this to have the video go directly to a canvas? I see that the snap shots can be put to canvas but can the video? I have tried but been unsucccessful. Thanks!
**[Original report](https://bitbucket.org/chromiumembedded/cef/issues/1508) by Anonymous.**
Original [issue 1508](https://code.google.com/p/chromiumembedded/…
I'm using flash capture method in Chrome for taking a snapshot with the input coming from a CCTV camera (aspect ratio 16:9). The image is getting cropped from all edges except the left even though I h…
birla updated
9 years ago
This is [Issue 787](http://code.google.com/p/html5rocks/issues/detail?id=787) moved from the [old Google Code project](http://code.google.com/p/html5rocks/) and added by 2012-01-31T20:26:09.000Z by [e…
Undefined property: stdClass::$user
Undefined property: stdClass::$access_token in instagram.class.php on line 507
any suggestions ?
I am using your webcam.js library for an asp.net vb application I'm working on. Before I integrated it into my main project, I created a new one to play around with the library, and configure …
i was thinking I'd try wrapping the spectral workbench platform in PhoneGap and patch camera access in to replace the mediastream API used on Opera/Android. That may end up being harder than I expect.…
We will copy all the necessary files needed to replicate the _flash_ implementation of saving audio from the browser to the server. This will serve as a _fallback_ to our current HTML5 `getUserMedia`…
Two prompts appear when attempting to take a photo – the standard Flash permissions box, as well as the Chrome permissions bar along the top of the browser.
Agreeing to both does nothing – the webcam…
The biggest gripe people seem to have with hive-js is the lack of support for QR code scanning. I understand why it isn't included (missing `getUserMedia` on mobile devices) but I have an idea how to …