Hello Evangelos,
Thanks for sharing your code!
I get a question here:
In dataset.py, is there any different between your implementation of ‘_log_spectgram’ and the ‘librosa.feature.melspectrogra…
1. What should I do to make my custom layers available to be loaded using `load_model()`?
I used my custom layers in [this repo](https://github.com/keunwoochoi/kapre/blob/master/kapre/TimeFrequency…
When i training tacotron2 model with my own data, some of mel-spetrogram has timestep > 2000 so I always get this error:
> tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.InvalidArgumentError: Incompatib…
At this point, I feel like we definitely update the current STFT implementation with more native STFT operations for speed/stability. Out of three Keras backends -- tf, theano, cntk -- only tf has its…
hi,I have doubt about the preprocessing_mel function. I use the following preprocessing method. The generated audio file is muted.
def melspectrogram(wav, hparams):
D = _stft(preemphasis(wav, hpa…
Why Augmentation file has been removed?
Why is not applied power 2.0 to Magnitude Layer before of filter bank Mel?
May I know how you get the MFCC features? Like the parameters you used. Thank you very much!
In looking at the code, it seems like it might be possible to skip the synthesizing step. (I'm using the standard datasets but I would like to use an existing wav file and NOT one that was synthesize…
**Describe your question**
I would like to write and train a model in Nemo which, given a ground truth labelling of where I think speech or silence is, returns a list of start and end indices in th…
Hi @keunwoochoi !
I'm enjoying your Kapre library, as I'm currently using it in my music-based deep learning project...
In my deep network, I'm using a similar architecture as the ones you have …