Hello there.
I was interested by the purpose of your project, and wanted to see what had
been achieved so far on other platform through the http://navxs.com URL.
But it does seem to be alive.
The Gyro/Raw Data Update packet is too small for the data.
[IMUProtocol.h - Line 78](https://github.com/kauailabs/navxmxp/blob/master/stm32/navx-mxp/IMUProtocol.h#L78)
Missing . after T in S.W.A.T. ascii art.
NavX is misspelled.
1. What is the technical error you are experiencing?
The navi-x portal hangs on the "please wait" page.
2. What steps will reproduce the problem?
Clicking the navi-x portal link.
3. What is…
You should use `Json::htmlEncode` instead of `Json::encode` when the result is inserted into html.
For example, here: https://github.com/kartik-v/yii2-krajee-base/blob/master/WidgetTrait.php#L71
1. What is the technical error you are experiencing?
The navi-x portal hangs on the "please wait" page.
2. What steps will reproduce the problem?
Clicking the navi-x portal link.
3. What is…
1. What is the technical error you are experiencing?
The navi-x portal hangs on the "please wait" page.
2. What steps will reproduce the problem?
Clicking the navi-x portal link.
3. What is…
1. What is the technical error you are experiencing?
The navi-x portal hangs on the "please wait" page.
2. What steps will reproduce the problem?
Clicking the navi-x portal link.
3. What is…
1. What is the technical error you are experiencing?
The navi-x portal hangs on the "please wait" page.
2. What steps will reproduce the problem?
Clicking the navi-x portal link.
3. What is…
1. What is the technical error you are experiencing?
The navi-x portal hangs on the "please wait" page.
2. What steps will reproduce the problem?
Clicking the navi-x portal link.
3. What is…